congrats, Frank, on a well-thought-out post

on a lot of issues Trump seems to be all over the map, which tells me he lacks any fundamental beliefs - he's politically expedient; say this for this group on this day; say that for that group on that day.

And while you briefly mention his previous positions, I think you're overlooking the fact the he spent most of his life as a Democrat, gave millions to the Clintons, was pro-choice, almost never attended church, lied and cheated on his taxes, etc etc - and then all of a sudden he's a conservative Republican? Kind of makes him a RINO, no?

And you don't have a category for "character" which should be a major concern when considering a candidate for President. Trump's character? pathological liar, tax cheat, adulterer, hypocrite (where are his ties made?). He's a so-called anti-elitist who's a billionaire celebrity living the high life. And his service record? Bone spurs? Give me a break. And his comments about soldiers being suckers? And his hatred (jealousy) of John McCain? ("I like people who weren't captured") And wouldn't fly the flag at half-mast when he died. C'mon, Trump's character stinks.

So, yes, you've done a good job of showing his range of positions on many issues (ie, not to be trusted to stick to any position), and your "progressive conservative" conclusion arises correctly from you analysis, in the end he could flip the whole thing on its head if it helped him win the election. And there's a warning here for Republicans: if a life-long pro-choice Democrat can fool so many Republicans that he's their leader, what will they think if/when he gets back in the White House and then in a New York minute reverts to his previous life-long pro-choice Democrat beliefs? And what's to stop him? Second term prez is accountable to no one. Wouldn't that be a classic Trump move: con the Repubs into re-electing him, and then reverting to his true self (if there is a "true" Trump). Myself, I wouldn't trust Trump with ... anything.

Anyway, thanks for your thoughtful analysis, Frank. It shows you've got an open mind, willing to analyze stuff rather than just repeat slogans. The Right needs more people like you.

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I appreciate the effort here, thank you. I’ve always thought of president Trump as politically RINO but, as far as I can tell—and your assessment here wouldn’t appear to indicate otherwise—he’s at least not politically climate-fascist, pro-propaganda, pro-speech-suppression, among other attractive political qualities in these times.

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It seems to me that Trump is a religiously and culturally illiterate nihilistic barbarian!

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Trump/ He's pretty much imo, a pathological liar & amoral, nor terribly intelligent. That in itself, says a great deal about trump & what I need to know to not consider him as a serious candidate. Imo, Middle income & working class families were pretty much left behind in the 2018 tax bill. Mnuchin knew what Ceo's & corporations were going to do with the money saved by trump/ his administration providing them substantial tax cuts, given a meeting they had in New York in 2017 I believe. Bonuses, salary increases for upper management & stock buybacks. Not expansion of manufacturing jobs or increases in pay for employees on the lower levels. And prior to & after his election in 2016, promises in improvements on infrastructure, that were never forthcoming and talk about " the border wall" repeatedly, but little results. ( And frankly, I never believed a border wall would solve the issue of illegal immigration. Desperate people do desperate things & find work arounds.) Suggested improved access & more affordable health insurance. That really didnt happen. If anything, the plan premiums for ACA went up & fewer carriers supported it, but not because it wasn't profitable for them. And as my doctor told me, this administration wants us to take less money under the ACA, BUT they suggest we can make it back by just accepting more patients. His thoughts were, did he really want to increase his work load by a substantial percentage at 65 & not provide his patients with the same quality level of care. So, he stopped taking women covered by the ACA coverage. ( I had it at the time, as not 65 yet but retired, so this was our " best" option. )

Under the trump presidency, there was daily drama, misinformation & out right lies & an administration with folks leaving/ forced out, through revolving doors. Covid & all that entailed in 2020, was a circus. And let us not forget the " left over" maga buffoons & their antics, that have so impeded our congress from accomplishing much for our nation this current term. Who needs the freaking drama of another trump.presidency. Not I nor most folks I know. The running of our nation is not some fake, reality TV show. The consequences are much greater than the measuring of ratings.

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Many years ago the esteemed Catholic philosopher Alasdair MacIntyre wrote a book titled After Virtue.

Among other things he pointed out that barbarians had been in the halls of power for quite some time. He also disliked the fact that any kind of rational political discourse was being replaced by appeals to irrational emotionalism.

That having been said Donald Trump does not have even one molecule of virtue in his entire body.

His rantings are a perfect expression of the said irrationalism. And his appearance here as the President is an obvious in-your-face manifestation of a such a barbarian being at the apex of the US halls of power.

Joe Biden is of course worse-than-awful too.

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